Tuesday, October 16, 2007


So who have you judged?Have you been judged? Where are you and where have you been? It is amazing how many times you can judge and not even think about it. Outward appearances, assumptions, miscommunications. They are all judgments. So who did I judge today? Myself? I think that we do that as well not only others but ourself. But the Lord sees our heart. What is true to the core. That is so true. I can say I love you to someone, but the lord knows when I truly love someone. Only he knows your heart. It is so cool I just thought of that. You can hide how you truly feel from everyone around you, but you cannot hide it from God. If something bothers you he knows and hears it. That is a wonderful thing to truly know you are never alone. I was just thinking about the past in my life, and that is the one thing that perservered me through it all. I always had God. On my saddest day when I was crying and crying to God he was there listening. I am no longer in that place, because God brought me from there. He heard my prayer and knew what I needed and delivered me from such a sad place. Now I stand here and say what can I do for you? I have to be willing to let the Lord use me. I have to let go of the judgements people pass on me and know that as long as God sees my heart and knows me truly I am ok. That is comforting to me. I think I will have Christina read that in the morning because she had people judging her based on her beautiful thin figure that God blessed her with. It was rude and I cannot allow for her to be ashamed of soemthing so prescous as she is. That was a profound revelation for me tonight. I am nodding off though and I should go to beeddy byes. gnite all. God Bless.

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